Welcome to Pine Tree Nursery 2 year old provision at Errington Primary.
The government has announced a number of changes to childcare support from April 2024, with the existing childcare support being expanded in phases to working families to offer free childcare for 2 year olds.
From September 2024, we are delighted to offer 15 hours of childcare to families with 2 year old children within our holistic and play focussed provision. Parents in receipt of certain benefits will qualify for free childcare but this is also free to eligible working families. This offer will rise to 30 hours per week in September 2025.
The hours of the provision will be 8.30 – 11.30 or 12.30 – 3.30pm, dependent on interest levels.
We would encourage families to visit our incredible nursery provision and speak to our wonderful team. We will be setting up a new bespoke area within Errington appropriate for the 2-year-old provision over the coming months, but a visit will give you a feel for our inclusive ethos and experiential learning.
To allow this provision to go ahead we need to gather interest from families who will be looking to access this provision at Errington.
Please email office@tvc.ac.uk to express your interest or to ask further questions or to arrange a visit.